Structural Biology

Evotec structural biology specialists have extensive experience ranging from soluble and membrane proteins, through protein-protein and protein-DNA/RNA complexes to RNA molecules and will work with you to identify the most appropriate structural technique to drive your program forwards.

Our global team has regular access to several synchrotrons and cryo-EM facilities and is co-localized with molecular architects, medicinal chemistry, and biology disciplines, facilitating efficient discovery of small molecule or biologics drugs.

We have successfully engaged in multiple partnerships, involving structure-based drug design (SBDD) and biologics, resulting in the efficient progression of candidates through clinical trials.

We provide the complete range of multimodality structural biology services.

  • Determination of novel protein and nucleic acid targets, including multi-component complexes, SBDD, and epitope mapping
  • Investigation of conformational changes induced by ligand binding or environmental factors (BioSAXS, HDX-MS)
  • Fragment screening
Jay Bertrand

Jay Bertrand

VP Head of Global Structural Biology & Princeton Site Head

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Evotec has the right technologies & disease understanding to meet our partners' evolving needs: a comprehensive disease knowledge at the molecular level, cutting-edge technologies & platforms to translate this expertise into effective precision medicines.